Thursday, April 7, 2011

Playing around with Video

There's a dozen other things
I should be doing this evening, but thought I'd try my hand at uploading a little video to YouTube and sharing it here.

While on my Arizona trip I made a little impulse purchase and bought a FlipVideo camera, which really makes shooting and sharing video a breeze--certainly better than my present video camera which records to a mini-DVD (which my iMac can't even ingest). . and then you have to jump through hoops to convert to a format to upload it and yadaydayda. . .

I'm sure the quality isn't the greatest here, though it looks fine on the telly, and the modeling certainly has some rough edges--but this is an experiment, not a finely-rehearsed and photographed Ray Pilgrim extravaganza. So, excuse all that, and excuse the cheesy canned music.

In any event, these are rail motors 723/623 departing Wee Waa for Narrabri while Freight & Stock schedule 696 awaits the road an hour behind the passenger.

1 comment:

Ray P said...


Looks good.

There's one thing I have learnt about taking videos of our models and that is .... it's a very different thing to taking still pics!

Getting a nice clear image is not so easy since a still pic can be shot at a large f stop (small aperture) and a long exposure (sometimes 8 seconds on Bylong) but a video camera needs to take about 24 frames per second so the depth of field goes out the window.

Keep taking videos, I keep hoping to improve, I might take a good one, one day.
