4716 hauls the North-West Mail --a pair of RACE vans, an MLV and a TRC ahead of the passenger equipment--on Shane Murphy's US-prototype layout in Argyle, Texas. Shane's a great guy, and doesn't mind the invasion of Australian equipment on some running nights.How many pieces of rolling stock does it take to operate your layout? How many do you have, and how many more do you need? Are the types needed adequately represented?
These are all questions the prototype-based modeler hasto ask themselves. Ultimately, I'm guessing around 170 freight wagons will be needed (not all on the layout at the same time, mind you) to fully operate a full timetable of trains. I try to keep a spreadsheet of what I have on hand, what I have completed to operating condition, and how many more I need of the major car types.
Here's my roster, broken down by major car types. The first number is the actual number of completed cars or as-yet-unbuilt kits in my possession; the second number how many I've yet to acquire; the third number is the total number of cars of each type ultimately needed.
Guard Van:10-0-10
Bogey Wheat Wagons:FWH & BWH: 21-0-21
Bogey Wheat Wagon/WTY: 12-4-16
Bogey Wheat Wagon:WHX: 17-0-17
Four Wheel Wheat Wagon:RU: 17-0-17
Bogey Fertilizer wagons: NPBF, NPLF: 4-0-4
Steel S-truck: 12-8-20
Steel K-truck: 2-0-2
KF flat: 3-0-3
Bogie Open Wagon:BDX/ELX: 7-0-7
Bogie Louvre Vans: LLV/GLX/MLV/VLCX: 16-0-16
Bogie Cattle Wagon: BCW: 8-8-16
Bogie Flat Wagons: 4-6-10
Bogie refrigerated wagon/ TRC: 2-0-2
Bogie Water Gin: 1-0-1
Cement wagons: 2-0-2
Fuel pots: 0-8-8
I'd be curious to see the ratios of cars other layout owners have.
Another 47 class on the empty stock train, also on Shane's layout.